Memories of Avalon

Memórias de um lugar perdido no sonho, visão de uma Lua que esconde uma Deusa adormecida...

A minha foto
Localização: Alcains, Castelo Branco, Portugal

"A terra, o sol, o vento, o mar são a minha biografia e são o meu rosto."

sábado, 4 de novembro de 2006


"Every night with a clock in her hand she walks on the ruins of the ancient lake.
Every night she waits and hopes that the promise once made will be kept.
Sometimes when walking gently from stone to stone, a cold night breeze whispers in her ear and touches softly her long black hair.
Then she shivers, cold in her madness, when the night wind speaks with his warm voice.
But he never came and never will."